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  • Writer's pictureIbrahim Hashmat

Stories of Illness Week 4 & 5 Response

Since both weeks 4 and 4 had similar themes with the treatment of BIPOC by the medical system I decided to create something that connected the readings from both weeks. Both the 1619 Project recording and the chapter from Medical Apartheid struck a chord with me. The treatment of people of color by the system is wholly unjust and there has been very little change that's taken place since these crimes were committed.

Throughout my reflection of the readings, I kept coming back to the fragility of life. That led me to think about how even after the medical system fails a person by either not providing them with equal care; turning them away because of their economic status, their immigration status, their race, etc, that person returns and becomes a part of their records in death. There are files of the deceased, their body has an identification tag-the mortuary tag. What happens to those whose narratives end, those who don't get their restitution? How are we seen by the system in death despite being turned away in life?

To process these emotions I created a couple of these mortuary tags. I wanted to see one in person, hold it, see how life can be reduced to a piece of cardboard.

I felt them blank because a part of me wanted people in the class to reflect on them. Perhaps even fill them in if they wanted. I thought it could have been an exercise we did in class but I was hesitant to show them because I'm cognizant that it could be triggering for some folks and wanted to handle this subject with care.

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